
→ who's 14.4mL?

i'm 14.4mL. she/her, 2002. i'm from/in CA.

note: "fourteen four", "fourteen point four", "fourteen point four em-ell" and "fourteen point four milliliters" are all valid and very cute pronunciations but the first two are most convenient. the last one is like my Full Name, it's very funny for me to hear it out loud.

i'm a civil EIT college senior and a former STEM slave. i didn't start coming back to my hobbies until fall 2023, which include music, drawing and very basic coding.

i am most known for my chiptune covers uploaded to my youtube. i made those in high school and will probably never make that much music in a short amount of time again. i look back on them fondly and will make more as i feel like it! but for now...

i'm currently learning a tooon of music stuff with golden records, a production club at my school :) it's been an absolute joy to share my expressions with others; this website is a part of that.

as a sort of "response" to the decay of the internet in the 2020s, i made this website to consolidate my online presence in a way that means something to me - a neat, packaged expression of all the stuff i've been working on without all the bloat and fatigue that can come with the rapid-fire pace of social media. this website is my invitation for you to really interface with who i am and what i do, at least in an online sense. i hope my site encourages you to rethink your relationship with the internet, and maybe make a website too! ♥

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