
→ what does 14.4 use on her computer?

to preface: i'm a huge fan of anything F(L)OSS. i highly despise subscription based models, and although i'm sure developers deserve to be paid for their work, it's often difficult to spend hundreds of dollars for software... there are very few programs out there that i assess to be good enough to justify these aspects. at the same time, i don't mind paying for something if it's good, and it works... so a portion of those few programs are here, mostly under $100.


sequencing/DAW: Renoise and occasionally OpenMPT for soundfont support.

workhorse synths: synth1, vital

external plugins: airwindows. chris is a saint for making these free. i mostly use stock plugins otherwise; i try to keep things as compact as i can.

artwork, design

art: paint tool SAI

graphic work: photoshop 2022 (will replace with GIMP when i graduate)

video work: OBS w/ shaderfilters and Sony Vegas Studio 11.0 for arranging clips.

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